Archive des Bibliothèques universitaires de Nantes

Problématisation, activités langagières et apprentissages dans les sciences de la vie étude de débats scientifiques dans la classe dans deux domaines biologiques : nutrition et évolution

Par : Lhoste Yann

Document archivé le : 28/10/2009

Based upon the language analysis of 3 in-class science debates on notions taken from functional biology (nutrition with 14-15 year olds) and historical biology (evolutionary mechanisms with 17-18 year olds studying economics and possible common ancestry with a group of students preparing to take the primary-school teachers competitive examination), this PhD looks at how pupil knowledge and language use are closely related in the learning process of problem defining in biology class. The very type of analysis used allowed for a better understanding of the links that exist between pupil problem-defining, how they try and understand biology and the content beyond the oral work produced by the pupils themselves. Several different levels of problem building were observed along with the areas where pupils were most susceptible to encounter difficulties.

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